Do I need Professional Indemnity Insurance?

What is professional indemnity insurance?

Professional indemnity insurance is a type of insurance coverage designed to protect professionals from claims that arise from errors, omissions, or negligence in their professional services that they've provided.

What industries need professional indemnity insurance?

Occupations and industries that provide professional services, and or give advice such as consultants, accountants, lawyers, architects, engineers. This is not an exhaustive list.


Do I need Professional Indemnity Insurance?

When professionals provide advice or services, there could be a risk that their work may result in financial losses. Professional indemnity insurance helps by protecting you and your business by providing coverage for legal costs and amounts claimed in compensation.


Examples of Professional indemnity claims

  • Professional negligence Breach of professional duty
  • Misrepresentation Defamation
  • Infringement of intellectual property rights.

These are a few examples that could be covered under a professional indemnity insurance.

How using Morgan Insurance Brokers can help your business

Morgan Insurance Brokers can help guide you through obtaining a Professional Indemnity insurance policy that is going to best protect your business. Professional indemnity insurance policies can have quite a few conditions and exclusions that are difficult to interpret. We also have access to a large panel of providers that you may not have access to directly.

Contact us today.

Does a demolition business need asbestos insurance?

Does a demolition business need asbestos insurance? 

If your business involves demolition, you have exposure to asbestos. Your exposure could be limited if you contract out 100% of the asbestos removal, however you could still face an exposure that could result in hefty legal fees to your business as a result of asbestos disturbance, or removal.

What is vicarious liability?

Vicarious liability is a legal concept that could find you responsible for the wrongdoing of your contractors (in this instance; asbestos removal contractor you've engaged) regardless if you were involved in the actual wrongdoing. In simple terms, if a client has engaged your services, the claim for damages will be first brought against you, rather than your subcontractor. Legal costs and penalties could be incurred as a result.

In conclusion, regardless if you contract out 100% of your asbestos work, you still have exposure. This financial exposure can be mitigated by ensuring that your public liability insurance has an asbestos extension.


Morgan Insurance Brokers can assist your business find the most affordable and comprehensive cover for your demolition business. We have access to a large panel of insurers that exclusively deal with brokers only, and that you don't have access to as a consumer.

Reach out today.