The High Cost of Comprehensive Coverage: A Dilemma for Homeowners in High-Risk Flood Areas

As an insurance broker, we pride ourselves on offering a diverse range of home insurance options to our clients. However, a recent shift in the industry has left us with a conundrum. Historically, we had the flexibility to tailor policies to individual needs, including the option to opt-out of flood coverage for those who deemed it unnecessary. This was particularly beneficial for homeowners in high-risk flood zones who had proactively mitigated their risk by elevating their properties after events such as the 2022 floods.

Unfortunately, the tide has turned, and the sole insurer allowing flood opt-out on our broker panel is now standardising the inclusion of flood coverage in their policies. This change has significant implications, especially in areas like Brisbane, where many properties are perched along the river. Homeowners who have invested in flood prevention measures are now facing the inevitability of increased premiums due to their postcode and location, despite their reduced risk.

Starting late 2024, flood cover will be a default inclusion for all new and renewing Allianz home insurance policies. However, homeowners in high-risk flood areas who currently do not have flood cover will have the option to continue without it.

This change presents a significant challenge for new homeowners in high-risk areas. They are now faced with a choice between two unfavorable options: either pay for an expensive comprehensive policy that includes expensive flood cover, or risk being without crucial insurance coverage entirely.

The cost of flood insurance for high-risk properties can be prohibitively expensive. For some homeowners, the cost of premiums could increase by less than $100 before taxes. However, for others, particularly those in high-risk areas, the cost could be significantly higher.

It is crucial for homeowners to carefully consider their options and seek professional advice to ensure they make the best decision for their circumstances. After all, the true value of insurance lies not just in its cost, but in the peace of mind it provides that it’ll respond when you need it most.