Strategic Savings: How Expert Insurance Negotiation Benefited a Roofing Company

A Western Australian Roofing company approached me with a significant challenge: their workers’ compensation insurance renewal was quoted in the seven-figure range. This steep cost was the result of a colourful history of claims that had made their insurance particularly expensive. As an insurance broker specialising in such cases, I took on the task of negotiating a better deal for their workers’ compensation insurance.

After a thorough review of their claims history and current policy, I engaged in extensive negotiations with a panel of insurance companies. My efforts resulted in a substantial reduction in their premium, securing a new rate that was around $30,000 less than the renewal with their current provider.

This achievement not only provided immediate financial relief but also demonstrated the value of expert intervention in insurance matters.

In addition to addressing their workers’ compensation insurance, I also conducted a review of their public liability insurance. This is a critical area for roofing companies, given the high-risk nature of their work and the potential for accidents.

The client was extremely pleased with the outcomes. The significant savings in their workers’ compensation insurance and the improved terms of their public liability insurance meant that they could operate their business with greater financial security and peace of mind.

In the end, it’s not just about the numbers. It’s about understanding each client’s unique needs, securing tailored solutions, and being there when they need you the most. It’s about turning challenges into opportunities and ensuring that every client walks away happier and more secure than when they first walked in.

For those seeking insurance solutions, whether for a business or personal needs, remember that a broker is more than a middleman. They are your ally, your advocate, and your assurance that when life’s uncertainties come knocking, you have the support you need to answer confidently.

Reach out to the team at Morgan Insurance Brokers. We can assist with looking after your business insurance needs.